Massage Therapy Home Study Courses
With over 30 years experience in massage therapy as both a Licensed Massage Therapist and also as an NCBTMB
Approved Provider for Continuing Education for LMTs, Ann Murley's Massage CE Workshops give LMTs the ability to maintain their CE required units in an exciting, educational & energetic environment where you always learn new things.
Ann not only enhances LMTs ability to provide relief to their clients she also focuses on ensuring LMTs can avoid
injuries to themselves as a result of Repetitive Strain Injury etc, and maintain effective techniques while protecting
the Therapist with safe practices designed for comfort and career retention.
Here are just some of Omaha Massage Continuing Education Workshops classes.
Lasting relief for Lower Back Pain and Sciatica
Four out of five Americans will suffer from back pain during their lifetime. As Massage Therapists there’s lots we can do to help. This course will take the guessing out of it and show you exactly how to proceed. One of the key elements is learning how to determine incorrect postural alignment of the pelvis. This is essential because much of the time it can be the source of low back pain and sciatica. The techniques shown in this class will also include discovering what muscles cause this structural dysfunction to occur and precise methods to reverse the hypertonicity and re-educate the muscles for optimum functionality and comfort.

Releasing the Rotator Cuff
The rotator cuff (RC) muscles are some of the hardest working and most common injured muscles in the body. RC injuries are generally due to trauma or repetitive movement such as the work of a massage therapist.
Without treatment, rotator cuff injuries may lead to permanent stiffness or weakness and degeneration of the shoulder joint.
This can lead to a condition called frozen shoulder and many times results in the end of a Licensed Massage Therapist's career.
The defined and effective Massage techniques taught in this class will reduce pain, inflammation, and stiffness. They will also prevent scar tissue and increase mobility all resulting in freedom of daily activities and career longevity.

Relief for Shoulders, Arms and Hands
This class has been designed for Massage Therapists (MT)
and anyone else who is experiencing pain in their shoulders, biceps, elbows, wrists or hands from injury or overuse.
Often times, arthritis or fibromyalgia are mistakenly blamed for the pain, stiffness and diminished range of motion experienced by professionals who use their arms in a repetitive manner. In reality, hypertonicity of the soft
tissue if often the culprit.
This course provides guidance for isolating the muscles and tendons that may be causing these painful conditions along with effective techniques to diminish discomfort.
Correctly identifying the causes of these conditions and applying the methods offered in this course can restore ROM, reduce pain and inflammation, and offer an alternative to destructive medication.
These therapist friendly techniques help to rehabilitate the muscles resulting in freedom of daily activities and career retention.
Loosen the Lamina Groove
Frequently, health problems are intensified by a misalignment of the spine or hypertonicity of the spinal muscles. Most of us have worked with Chiropractic patients whose adjustment doesn’t last due to hypertonic erector spinae muscles. Typically a massage therapist uses thumb over thumb friction or stripping the spinal muscles with the elbow or forearm. These techniques can often be injurious to the therapist and
/or ineffective for the client. This upcoming class teaches a therapist friendly and very specific techniques to releasing
this vital muscle group.
Quadratus Lumborum and Iliopsoas
The psoas is one of the body’s most important muscles. It plays an inordinately significant role in determining the usefulness of spinal function. There are not many movements we make in life or during exercise that don’t involve the psoas muscle. Many muscles are involved in walking, but good walking and running patterns always begin with the psoas.
The quadratus lumborum contributes to the stabilization and movement of the spine and the pelvis and works very closely with the Illiopsoas. If you or your clients have low back pain, knowing exactly how to identify and release these two muscles is a must for every massage Therapist!
Posterior Lower Leg
Did you know knee pain is the second major cause of chronic pain? More than one-third of people in the U.S. suffer from it. Can knee pain have anything to do muscles in the posterior lower leg? Absolutely!
If you or anyone you know is experiencing knee pain when walking up or down a hill, going up or down stairs, crouching, wearing high heels or rotating their leg, you won’t want to
miss this class.
You will learn precisely what muscles in the posterior lower leg may be causing the discomfort, where they are located
and how to release them.
After taking this class you’ll leave with your legs feeling great and a new found confidence and skill set to address knee pain in your practice.
Pecs and Serratus
Rounded shoulder posture, frozen shoulder, numbness and tingling in the arms or fingers, difficulty breathing, limited range of motion reaching behind body and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome are just some of the symptoms caused from hypertonicity in the Pecs, Serratus anterior and Scalenes. These conditions are most common in Athletes and weight lifters and even people who use repetitious movements. In this class, you’ll learn precise massage and stretching techniques to release these muscles. These methods are some of the most effective for restoring mobility of the shoulders and correcting rounded shoulder posture.
Hamstrings, IT Band and Glutes
Hamstrings, IT Band and Glutes are all connected. With any of these muscles being tight you can experience, backpain, poor posture, bursitis and knee pain. Even though the location of the pain may be in the knee, the hips can very well be the area that need the most attention. Over use is typically the reason for hypertonicity in these muscles. If your hamstrings are tight, it’s likely that your pelvic area and hips will rotate backward. This will cause the lower back to flatten unnaturally, leading to lower back pain…chronic if not corrected. Any of these conditions can cause lack of agility and limitations in daily activities. This class explains how to thoroughly explore these muscles and find out the possible source of these painful conditions.
Adductors and Quads
Often times Massage Therapists just glaze over the adductors unaware of the significant role they play in back, knee and leg pain. Therapists often fear they may over step a boundary when working the inner thigh. The adductor complex is the group of muscles which squeeze your thighs together. When we sit with crossed legs the adductor muscles commonly develop excessive tension. Tight adductors can cause the femur (upper leg bone) to become internally rotated. A likely result of this imbalance is knee pain, since the joints of the knee will no longer line up properly. Tight adductors can be demonstrated by a knock-kneed appearance.
This 2 hour class demonstrates how to overcome that fear and learn how to effectively release the adductors, offering the client and therapist a safe method to release this important muscle group.
Quadriceps can be tricky, though you might be feeling pain in your lower back or struggling with your hips, the actual cause could be the tight quads. Both those who are too sedentary or overly active are vulnerable to tight quadriceps, which create imbalanced muscle tension at the hips. If left unaddressed, tight quads can affect posture and body mechanics, leading to back pain and increasing your risk of hip and knee injuries.
Anterior Lower Leg and Foot
Tight or hypertonic muscles in the anterior lower leg and foot can cause a variety of problems.
Have you ever known anyone who had weakness in the anterior compartment or lower front of the leg? Symptoms would be difficulty in trying to pull the foot upwards against resistance. If you've ever had shin splints you know the feeling. Pain may also be reproduced by pulling the foot downwards to stretch the muscle. In severe cases foot drop or a slapping gait may be seen as a person cannot properly lift the foot up when walking.
Another common problem is deformity of the feet or hammertoes.
This is where the toes, primarily the middle toes appear to always be bent. Stiffness, poor range of motion and pain in the feet result. Individuals with this condition will inevitably adjust the way they walk to avoid pain, risking other foot, knee or hip conditions. This is especially dangerous in people with diabetes and poor circulation. In this class learn how massage therapy techniques can help these painful conditions.